
“Do as I say, not as I do”: Why we don’t follow through?

I have never been so convicted in my life then when I decided to start this blog. Here I am thinking with these great ideas to share my journeys to medical school, healthy natural hair, and how each step has shaped me in my faith walk with Christ, this will be a piece of cake……W R O N G !!! 

 Every time I went to write I’d feel like such a hypocrite. I immediately begin to criticize and deter myself from launching anything.  Like, how could I even share tips when I haven’t done this or that or been consistent here or there. It all began to become more of a nightmare than a dream.  

We’ve all been there. Wanting to do something but have a million and one excuses as to why we can’t or simply just put it off until the next new year ( I know I am not the only one who has did this ).

So why do we not follow through? Why do we make goals— good sound achievable goals and plans– and never do them?  Two reasons:

Lack of knowledge and Fear. 

These are the two things that keep us stuck in “goal making” rather than in “execution” mode. 

We often lack the knowledge of who and WHOSE we are.

Lack of knowledge steals our vision, sucks our power, and leaves us hopeless.   

When we don’t know who we are, we can’t know where we are going . In order to have a clear vision for the future, you first have to know where you are NOW. We get so focus on the next thing, that we often forget about our NOW. 

What are we doing NOW to prepare for the goals we have for ourselves?  

If we don’t know who we are NOW, our vision becomes blurred by disillusion of waking up and everything just already being done with no work from me. 

The only way to know who you are must turn to the creator and be vulnerable. This is the WORK you must do to follow through.

Reading the word, studying the scripture, and spending time in the presence of God to build an intimate relationship doesn’t come for just doing this once. It takes a decisive decision to carve out time daily even if it starts off as just the time it takes you to go to work. 

This process teaches you about who God sees you as—the head and not the tail, blessed in the city, blessed in the field, his workmanship, a royal priesthood.. the list goes on. But the question is who’s report will you believe about yourself? 

Fear of the unknown

We like to do things that are “comfortable” and tend to stay in these comfort zones. If our comfort zone is comparing ourselves to others rather than boldly being all that God called us, we will shrink back into the box we made for ourselves. 

Understanding who God says you are AND knowing that He will never leave your side through the development process and beyond eliminates fear.

But again all of this takes WORK.  

Take the first step into God’s promises for you, His plan for your life, be curious enough to ask questions, and seek help from trusted sources ( the Five-fold ministry—teachers, preachers, apostles, evangelists and prophets that are LED BY HOLY SPIRIT). 

Don’t allow those who are not led by the Holy Spirit to speak into YOUR spirit.

The Word of God states that only these individuals that He has endowed with these gifting are to speak into your life about the things of God.

11 “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the [a]edifying of the body of Christ”

Ephesians 4:11-12 NKJV

Remember, baby steps are still steps. 

